[Update: After such a tumultuous 2020, as I and many hope for change in 2021, this blog about the wisdom of no change seems especially timely . . .] As I ponder the start to the new year, at first, I feel sorry for myself. I make the foolish, painful mistake of comparing myself to others and focusing on …
Being Happy with What Is
Recently, a friend gave me a book whose core message was to appreciate what we have, instead of always focusing on having more and being more. My first reaction: Pissed. The author is wealthy. Easy to be happy with what you have when you’re sitting on piles of dough. The writer goes on to say that even people who are …
Let Your Life Speak
I jogged to my local bookstore, toting a baked treat for the owner. At the door, I burst into tears. A small note by the “Closed” sign said she had just passed away. Yvonne was quirky, and brusque, and it smelled funny in there. But I loved that old woman. When I first hung out my shingle as a new …
¿Hablar o Callarse?
¿Alguna vez has entendido la situación de un ser querido con más claridad que él o ella, pero no estabas seguro de si decir algo o morderte la lengua? El otro día, mi amiga estaba hablando sin parar en una nube de enojo, confundida por su novio infiel, y yo sólo quería decirle, “Deshazte del idiota!” El mes pasado, dos …
You Are What You Tweet
I’m a big fan of social media, but I must say, some of what’s out there seems like a bunch of meaningless malarkey. Do I really want to hear about people’s delayed flights or whether or not they enjoyed their burrito? Not really. Not unless I’m the one picking them up at the airport or making their food. And in that …
Get Real
Why is it so hard for us to tell people our real feelings? Whether we’re in a work setting, personal relationship, or family scenario, why are we so hesitant to be honest in the moment to someone’s face? Are we afraid to hurt their feelings, afraid of confrontation, not sure what to say, or afraid to say something we might …